Monday, February 25, 2013

Solid Advice For Marketing Your Business With Videos

Video marketing hasn’t been around for that long, but it’s quickly becoming a very popular form of marketing. Since the online world is faster now, people all over can now look at media that took several days to download long ago.This article will help you leverage video marketing.

Short videos are preferable. Three minutes is the maximum duration. Use this time wisely to communicate the most important information in a way that appeals to your viewers. Five minutes is pushing it, but it can work if you have very interesting content. Try to keep it short and to to the point.

Each video should remain concise and focused. It is easy to veer off topic when you have not prepared properly. Before you film, take a few minutes to create a brief checklist of what you must cover in the video. Your audience will remain interested if you focus on a topic.

Don’t forget to target existing clients through emailing new videos. The customers will see how your business is progressing and be reminded of what it offers. You should also make sure you’re promoting purchases by adding a noticeable link to your site.

If you have some money to spend on marketing your videos, you can have your videos played on websites that your customers are apt to visit. Steer clear of services promising to add your video to a pop-up ad or an irrelevant website. Surveys can be a great tool in helping you understand which places your target audience is frequenting.

It is essential to be natural when you make marketing videos. People will see through any sort of false persona you try to create for yourself. They will buy from you if they feel like they know you better. It will also associate your face with the product.

When people consider your goods and services, what questions usually come to their minds? If the answer is yes, you can answer questions with a video. Making short videos that answer frequently asked questions will do a lot to attract customers to your products.

Before making your next marketing video, watch some videos done by other companies. You can experiment to find out what you would like as a consumer. Make a list so that you can easily remember. It can be helpful for friends to help you out with this because the more input you can get, the better. You can then use their feedback to produce a video that will achieve the desired results.

Expand outside of YouTube. You should definitely include the most popular sites, but you should also post videos on other sites where potential clients are likely to populate. Get customers to fill out surveys about their favorite video hosting sites.

Most individuals appreciate honesty. If you plan to produce a video, create one on something in which you have a strong belief or interest. By speaking with sincerity, people will be far more likely to take to heart the subject you have presented and revisit your videos in the future.

Now that you’re more knowledgeable about video marketing, feel free to use these tips to build your own campaign. Videos are a newer and very well known way to market a business, so you have to learn what you can about video marketing. It is a great way to boost profits.

10 Great Ways To Generate Highly Read Article Ideas

1. Participate in chat rooms related to your targeted audience. Watch what questions people are asking and ask others what information they're interested in.

2. Examine what information in being broadcast on tv, news, talks shows and the internet. That information is usually a hot or trending topic. In in the know!

3. Hang out in similar message boards. People leave questions for information they're seeking. That is a strong indicator of subjects to write about.

4. Survey your web site visitors or current customers. Ask them what type of articles they would like to see published on your web site or in your e-zine. People love to offer their ideas, concerns and opinions.

5. Regularly check your site's guest books. People sometimes leave questions or comments that would help you generate high readership articles.

6. Check online bookstore's best sellers list. They're very good resources for finding winning topics and ideas to write about.

7. Use the time of year to come up with good topics. You could relate your content to the holiday, season, things that happen years ago during that time, etc.

8. Join some related e-mail discussion lists. Explore the question being asked and the subjects people are discussing. People will tell you want they want to hear and read about.....all you have to do is LISTEN!

9. Relate your article to a current fad that's going on in your specific industry. The topic is usually interesting to your target audience.

10. Make a file of visitor or customer questions you receive via e-mail or phone. Usually, others have the same questions, but never ask.

* There are many free survey tools online that can be used to obtain the information that is needed. Just Google: "Free Survey Tool" 



Traditional Offline Marketing

Introduction: In February 2006, John Ritskowitz hosted a teleseminar with Michel Fortin, David Garfinkel, Yanik Silver, and JP Maroney. Entitled “Million Dollar Roundtable,” it was a chance for these marketing pros to share some of their best secrets for marketing offline, which is something more online Marketers should be doing. Ideally we should all be marketing both offline and online.

Well these folks delivered the goods, and while the call lasted about 2 hours, it still wasn’t enough time to get to everything (it never is, right?). So John compiled some of the ideas they talked about on the call, plus lots more ideas to cover the offline marketing spectrum.

Some of these ideas are more traditional, such as yellow pages advertising and classified ads. Of course that doesn’t mean they should be neglected.

Other ideas are traditional, but not used as much, or I should say not always used as effectively as they could. Direct response marketing and publicity are two that come to mind. 

And then there are really creative ideas that are often overlooked, such as valuable joint ventures and strategic alliances. Some of these ideas have the potential to really deliver a lot of leads and sales with minimal traditional “work.”


You’ll find these ideas start out somewhat simplistically and gradually get more creative and complex. So dig in and start thinking about how you could apply these ideas to your
business today!

Don’t think of these methods as too simple or mundane. They are very effective when done right and combined with other techniques in this report.

1) Classified Ads – This is something everyone should be testing in some form or another. It’s great for lead generation. You should still have a strong benefit-driven headline and a clear call to action. Free reports work very well with classifieds. My local paper, the Hartford Courant even has an ongoing deal of 3 lines for 3 days – for free! Even adding more lines only ends up costing a few bucks. With a price like that, there’s no reason anyone with a website should not be testing ways to draw traffic to the site with classifieds.

2) Direct Mail – Nothing beats direct response when it comes to results-driven proven advertising. And messages sent directly to your highly targeted market via direct mail can deliver a terrific return on investment (ROI) when tested properly. There’s a wealth of information on direct marketing by one of the top direct marketers Clayton Makepeace at

3) Postcards – Yes, postcards are a form of direct mail, but it warrants its own category. Postcards are cheaper to produce and mail than full-blown direct mail packages or sales letters, and they are great for generating leads. Like classified ads, a free report or free gift often works well here. Postcards are also a great way to stay in touch with your customers and prospects, and they also work well as part of a sequence of mailings. A good place to go for customized postcards is (the US Postal Service website), because the USPS has partnered with a company that will print and mail your postcards for you! Best of all, you only pay for the postage (i.e. FREE printing costs). Hint: be sure to include yourself on the mailing list so you can get your own mailing as well.

4) Yellow Pages – Another great resource that is often underutilized or used ineffectively. Yellow page ads are great because when someone sees your ad, they are already in the market for your product or service. Yellow page ads need to be benefits-driven, with your Unique Selling proposition (USP) stated clearly and boldly (remember, this is the one place where your prospects will see your ad alongside all of your competitors). You want your ad to stand out from the clutter. Use a direct response type of ad, and again, free gifts or premiums work well here. Gary Halbert has written about yellow pages several times in his newsletter. To find them easily, just enter the following search at Google: +”yellow page” Another great resource that JP Maroney recommends is Alan A great thread on this topic can also be found on Michel Fortin’s forum at:

5) Space Ads – If you’re going to do a space ad, it will generally get better results if you use the same layout as the editorials. Use the same font styles and sizes for the headline, body, etc. If the newspaper uses 2 columns per article on the page your ad will appear, use 2 columns in your ad. If they use 3 columns, you use 3. The “advertorial” approach almost always does better than traditional space ads that scream “ad. A great way to get very low costs space ads is to use what’s known as remnant, or standby advertising. Enter the following search in Google to see what I mean and to learn more: +"Nancy Jones" And you’ll learn to experiment in many creative ways to find out what works for you. A local advertising paper, the Rare Reminder here in the Hartford area, has classified ads and space ads. But I noticed that one “stone and mulch” company has their space ad featured upside-down in every weekly issue. At first I thought it was a mistake. But after seeing it upside-down week after week, I suspected they found that their upside-down ad stands out from the clutter. People think it’s a mistake and read it. Yes, it’s a gimmick. Would I do it? Only if it tested positively. And maybe it has for these folks. Food for thought.

6) Radio/TV/Infomercials –
You might be surprised how inexpensive you can get these types of slots, especially if you use remnant advertising. Study the best infomercials, for example (the ones you see over and over again…they must be working or they wouldn’t keep airing them), to get some ideas on how they are constructed.

7) Flyers – Who says you can’t hire a high school student to stuff mailboxes or stick ‘em under windshields? Obviously if you are selling a high-priced financial course, it would be better to target the windshields of a fancy hotel than your local Wal-Mart. And I believe the US Postal Service also prints them for you like they do postcards if you want to mail them.


8) Networking – Your local Chamber of Commerce, trade shows, seminars, and anywhere your prospects hang out are all good opportunities for networking. In many cases, the hotel bar the night before the seminar is the best opportunity for making contacts. It’s usually more effective to try to capture contacts and leads than to try to close a sale on the spot, so get your elevator speech ready and have plenty of business cards on hand.

9) Telemarketing –
Remember the “Do Not Call” list only applies to consumers, so if you do any kind of business to business selling, telemarketing is a viable marketing method you can use effectively. Also, the “Do Not Call” list may not apply to you with your customers or if you already have a relationship with your prospects.

10) A Trade Show Booth – A great place to capture leads. Again, a free report or gift does wonders. When you get a long line waiting at your booth, many people will stop by just to see what the fuss is about. Make your sales materials and sales people benefit-driven. Remember what your prospects are thinking: “What’s in it for me?”

11) Blimps, Banners, and Billboards – If it’s zoned for advertising and it’s blank, you have an opportunity. 


12) Door Hangers – Those same high school students can help you with door hangers as well.


13) Circulars – Again, high school students can also help you hand out circulars, post them on community bulletin boards, on telephone poles, wherever. You can make a donation to your local church and ask them if you can leave a stack at their next bake sale or bingo event. And certainly you can arrange to have your circular included in your local newspaper or community paper. For your money, circulars are very inexpensive to print and distribute.

14) Card Decks – These stacks of index cards are mailed to targeted audiences. Each deck can contain anywhere from 50 to 200 cards or so, each with an advertisement or coupon. They may also double as a business reply card on back. Since your ad is mixed in with tons of others, it’s especially important to have a great headline and layout that will stand out from the clutter. Card decks are inexpensive because all of the advertisers are sharing the cost of the mailing. They can cost as little as three cents a prospect for large mailings. Even for smaller mailings, they are generally cheap, which is good for testing. Make sure you choose your audience wisely. Card decks are great for targeting a niche. Free reports or books work especially well here, because the person flipping through the cards will be attracted to the word “FREE.” As always, make sure there is a clear call to action. Multiple methods of response usually work better than a single method. For example, they can drop the card in the mail, call a free recorded message, go to your website, etc. And you may have some options with remnant space, so always try to negotiate a lower price (how hard is it for them to stick another card in their mailing…their costs are incremental and their profit is high even on remnant rates). A couple other tips: When you see repeat advertisers in a deck, you have a pretty good idea that the deck is working for that ad. If that ad also targets your niche market, it may be a good one to test in. Also, test with copy that you already know works.

15) Value-Paks –
Similar to card decks, “value-paks” are little booklets with multiple ads. They are mostly used with coupons, rather than business reply cards. 


 16) Ad Magazines – You’ve seen them. Magazines that are little more than a collection of space ads. They are usually local, and the ads in them usually aren’t direct response. By putting your direct response ad there, you stand out over all the other ads. But the downside is that these magazines tend to be less niche-focused (although there are certainly exceptions, with the real estate and automobile-themed magazines and newspapers).

17) Catalogues –
Your catalog doesn’t have to look like L.L. Bean or the like to be effective. A good one to study with respect to the ads themselves is the J. Peterman catalogue (check out Here’s a good way to start small and work up from there in developing a good catalogue:


a) Try a simple double-sided flyer first and test response. 


b) Make sure you locate highly targeted lists, as the wasted
cost of mailings is going to be your biggest expense.


c) Continue to expand, test, and tweak. Test everything—
your layout, your copy, your prices—until you find the best

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Using Email Marketing To Your Best Advantage

Everyone knows that in order to have a successful business, it’s important to employ good marketing strategies. While there are many ways to market your products, email marketing is a great way to utilize the internet and reach an unlimited target market. Read on to discover ways to use email marketing in your business.


Minimize traditional email marketing activities during the holidays. Customers are preoccupied with family and friends, and are less likely to be paying attention to business email. Your odds of ending up in the spam box are considerably higher, which could have longer term implications for your bottom line. The major exception to this would be a business directly related to the holiday activities. Otherwise, give yourself a break and enjoy some downtime yourself. Business will be back on track in a day or two.


Implement a double opt in. Sometimes clicking a little box to signify that you want to receive e-mails slips by a person. To eliminate complaints of spam, use a double opt in. Have the person confirm that they wish to receive e-mails by verifying their e-mail or clicking a second button.


Place important copy and call to action on the left-hand side of the images in your emails. Studies have shown that customers respond more strongly to copy that is written to the left of the images in an advertisement. Links to follow should be placed next to images, not below them, in order to grab best the customers’ attention.


Avoid over-using exclamation points in your email marketing copy. An exclamation point does not make a poor sales message into a good one. Good marketing copy is punchy and catchy on its own, without the help of added punctuation. Focus on writing quality copy, not on how many exclamation marks you can use.


To have a subscriber list you can trust, make sure that pre checked boxes are not enabled on your opt-in page. Readers do not want to start getting your emails accidentally. You do not want that either, because you only want to market to those that are actually interested in what you offer.


Identify yourself and the purpose of your campaign in your email. You want to gain the trust, and respect, of the consumer on the other end of your campaign. To do this you should include information about the purpose of the email, and reinforce the future expectations of the customer, by letting them know how often they can look forward to hearing from you.


To make sure your emails don’t turn people off, always seek permission before sending them out. Include a subscription button on your site, and encourage regular customers to have their friends sign up as well. If you’d like to give people some extra encouragement to subscribe, you could feature subscriber only deals.


As you can see, email marketing can be an effective marketing method for any business when used properly. By utilizing the internet, you are reaching countless potential customers outside of your local area. Use the tips above to kick-start your email marketing campaign and begin turning a profit in your business.



Magic Button for Online Marketing?

Many people seem to want that magic pill or button to become an instant success story.

There is a lot of hype online promising you the magic keys to the underground network of internet money making guru's if you just buy their latest ebook or turnkey system.

The hard truth-there's no magic button to just switch on and let the cash poor in.

However, there is a formula for online or offline business success and it is very simple here are two steps in this formula.

1)You have to make connections real connections with actual people.

2) You must be positive and enthusiastic about your opportunity.

If you want to go to a safe haven and learn more about network marketing tips I am here as a resource.

I am not offering you a magic solution just myself as a tool in your opportunity.

Warm Regards to your Success!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its resources on the optimal opportunities with the goals of increasing sales and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. 

So, how do you develop this. Find a way to brand yourself to bring others close to you. You never want to do business with someone you don't know. You need to establish a relationship with your prospects and help them succeed. Marketing strategy includes all basic and long-term activities in the field of marketing that deal with the analysis of the strategic initial situation of a company and the formulation, evaluation and selection of market-oriented strategies and therefore contribute to the goals of the company and its marketing objectives.

How to Brand Yourself?

Find something that you can offer your customers or prospective business partners. Whether it be your time, training or other information. And never ever brand yourself with your primary business opportunity. If something happens to the company you will have to start over from scratch. If you brand yourself however, no matter what business you are involved with you will succeed in building relationships and therefore bring more people into your network and possibly bring them into your business opportunity.

1) Create a blog about yourself and what you want to help people with.

2) Create a video diary or a training video.

3) Create a PDF with genuine content to help people get in the right mindset.

4) Host webinar's to help others learn how to properly market themselves.

5) Be a counselor; help people who are struggling with there business and bring them back into a sucessful mindset.

Once you have this brand people will know who you are and what you have to offer. This is the best way to Network Market.

MLM Tips and Tricks

MLM-Multilevel Marketing: Achieving MLM success is not a hidden world of guru's and everyone knows somebody who has failed with a network marketing opportunity. As a result, some people have become very sketchy. How can you expect to succeed if you focus on the fears and attitudes of those who have failed?

Have the Right Mindset: The first roadblock to remove from your mind is fear. Get back to your roots and find out who you are and what your purpose is. Find what motivates you to be successful. Your mind is your worst enemy. To compact this surround yourself with others who are doing the same thing and succeeding and mirror them.

Set Goals and Follow Through: MLM success will come more easily if you take a few minutes to set some real goals and write them down. Then develop a plan of action to work your way to achieving those goals. Now, it's easy to set goals, but it's difficult to follow through with them. And the truth is that the “Money is in the follow-up.” Sometimes life's events just get in the way and keep you from accomplishing your dreams. Or do they? Listen, there is no easy road to success and there will be many obstacles in the way. The MLM winners are those who overcome each one and continue to move forward.

Look for Successful People to Prospect: Most people who join a network marketing company are afraid to prospect to successful business people. However, successful business people know what it takes to succeed and they are the ones who are most likely to be successful with the opportunity your offer. While I agree wholeheartedly that you shouldn’t pre-judge people and exclude prospects just because they may not be employed at the time, why not maximize your success by going to people who already know how to be successful?

Use Your Sponsor: Many newcomers to network marketing start out working with their upline and then they drift away and start trying to go it alone. This will be detrimental to your marketing venture. Remember, your up-line’s success is tied directly to your success, so ask for his help, watch how he does things, and learn from him. If your up-line is only a few minutes more experienced than you, go to his up-line until you find a real expert who can guide you.

Take Advantage of Training Opportunities: MLM success is not a hidden secret. Good networks offer quality training. Take advantage of it. Keep taking advantage of it, even if you have already heard it before. There is always an area to improve on.

Win the Numbers Game: MLM is, at many levels, a numbers game. The more people who hear about your opportunity, the more likely it is that larger numbers will join. Once again this deals with building your network first and then your business partners.

Organize Your Time: Planning everything out is the most important part of everyday life. Those who are disorganized and always procrastinate having more issues, than those who are organized and keep to their schedule. Poor time management is one of the things that causes new network marketers to fail. Time is your most precious resource. MLM success depends on learning how to manage it. Get my Time Management Tips for Home Based Business Owners.

Educate, Don't Sell!: Time and time again, I see people trying to sell their MLM business as opposed to educating their contacts. Remember, these people you're speaking with day in and day out only know a small portion about your company. If you can teach them the path to success, it will build a good relationship and they will begin to trust you. They will also be able to see the whole story as opposed to short-term success. Remember, nobody likes a hard sell and nobody trusts someone who acts like the stereotype of a used car salesman (no offense to the several excellent and honest used car salesmen that I know).

Never Present to Your Own Close Friends and Family: If you've ever tried to be involved with an MLM company, everyone always talks about getting a hold of your "warm list." This is simply all the friends, relatives, and co-workers you know that you have a good relationship with for the most part. Unfortunately, these same people have become extremely skeptical and want to see you make money first (well most of them anyways). Your friends and families will see that you are excited to start this new business but, until they know that you know the whole company and how it works they will be hesitant to join you. So, invite your close friends and family to learn about the opportunity, and then put them in front of an expert (your up-line) to do the actual presenting. Three way calls are great for this. Make sure you establish that person as an expert before they start, and then sit back and let your up-line explain the business. Please make sure your up-line is willing to tackle this. If they are uncomfortable ask them who could be able to present the company. Eventually, you will be presenting to the friends and family of your down-line, so take advantage of this opportunity to listen closely to how it’s done.

Be the Team Member You Want Your Team Members to Be: Your team will follow you. If they see you staying active, they will stay active. If they see you setting goals, they will set goals. If they see you attending training, they will attend training. Get the picture? Take a moment and write down the characteristics that you would like to see in your down-line. Then be those things. Your team will thank you for it and you will become a leader!

Friday, February 22, 2013

You won't Fail Affiliate Biz,.you Succeed or you Quit

The Role of Patience in Network Marketing

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend among folks that call themselves “network marketers”. Somewhere along the line, people are starting to get the expectation that network marketing, whether done online or offline, is a matter of opening an account with some flashy program and then just waiting for the money to come rolling in hand over fist. These are the same people that bounce from one program to another, trying this one, trying that one, and never sticking with any of them long enough to actually learn how to succeed.

They read an article or see a video of someone that seems to be experiencing quick success and think, “I’ll be rich in 30 days! All I have to do is sign up with this ‘guru’!”.

Then, when the riches don’t sweep them out of their living room in 30 to 90 days, they are off looking for another “program”. They blame the company. They blame the compensation plan. They blame their upline. But no matter what company they join, their results are always the same. It’s time to realize that if you have joined opportunity after opportunity and you haven’t succeeded with any of them, the common denominator is YOU!

Listen, there are people out there that are able to generate an income very quickly in network marketing. Companies love to share those stories with us. They’re exciting and they intentionally get us all pumped up.

What you may not be considering is the rest of the story. That person that is now a multimillionaire may have been bankrupt a few years ago. These same people have usually spent a lot of years building a solid reputation, generating their marketing lists, developing their skill sets, working on their own personal development, and establishing their credibility. What you see, now, is that they are able to quickly tap in to a large network that they have probably built over the past several years.

It may have taken them 10 years or more to get to the point that they now seem like an overnight success story.

The problem that I’m seeing comes in to play when a complete rookie signs up for a network marketing company and then thinks they are going to be able to, all-of-a-sudden, start generating wads of cash overnight. They typically have no marketing experience, no list, no credibility, no successful track record and they seem really confused when their bank doesn’t call them to ask what to do with the hundreds of thousands of new dollars that just magically appeared in their bank account.

It’s Time To Wake Up!

Success in network marketing comes down to following a few proven success principles consistently over time.

If you are new to the industry …
If you have never made more than $20,000 – $30,000 a year …
If you have never generated more than a few hundred dollars per month in any business opportunity …

You need to understand that there is going to be some time involved before you should expect to see a ton of money coming in. You’ve got some new things to learn. And that’s OK! The right upline can teach you a proven system to help you reduce the time required to learn but you are absolutely going to have to learn some new things if you want new results in your life!

No matter which company you join (provided you have joined a legitimate company), you are going to need to learn and implement the skills, tools, and techniques being used by the successful people in the industry.

Success can be influenced by things like timing, the right opportunity, a great product, etc…

Ultimately, your success will always come down to YOU making a solid and consistent commitment to take the right actions in the right ways over time.

I have seen people sign up for a network marketing opportunity, give it a month or two and then just quit. They say things like “It just didn’t work for me” or “I gave it my best shot” or “I”m just not cut out for this stuff”. They quit instead of commit to learning what it is they are missing.

I’ve also seen that same person’s downline seem to explode because someone else that was on that same team decided to learn and apply the skills required to succeed! If the person that quit had just been a little more patient and taken the time to learn some new skills, their income would have exploded, too!

Time For Some Truth Talk:

If you are thinking things like, “Well, I’ll give it a try” or “Let’s see what happens” or “I hope this thing works” … you are setting yourself up for failure.

There is plenty of evidence. We have no shortage of stories, testimonials, and documented evidence to indicate that success in network marketing is absolutely possible.

The decision you have to make is whether or not you can commit to doing whatever is necessary to create that sort of success for yourself. That sort of commitment requires a “never quit … no matter what” attitude. Your commitment to yourself and your own success will determine how far you go in this industry.

I’ve seen people with multiple college degrees do well in this industry.

I’ve seen people with no more than an elementary school education level do well in this industry.

I’ve never seen anyone actually fail in this industry. They either succeed or they quit.

Network marketing is the great equalizer. The variable is you. How dedicated are you to your own success? Commit to making it happen.

The results are well worth it!

Now the website posted below makes you a free Affiliate Business partner for lifetime and you can earn residual incomes forever without having to purchase or spend anything ever.

Top Tips For Great Video Marketing Campaigns

Video marketing is great for boosting profits and business. It is a great way to attract potential customers and help viewers get to know you and your business. This article is a great place to start. Keep reading to learn how to get started with video marketing.

Your video should contain useful and valuable information. Increase your customer base using a video marketing campaign. By posting relevant information, your videos will reach a bigger audience. This content will provide your viewers with information they can use.

One of the greatest benefits of video marketing is the ability to interact directly with customers. Create videos that respond to questions instead of just messaging them back. They will find this approach more interesting and will stay engaged.

Stories are fun to hear. What are some stories you can tell about your products or company? Show viewers some footage of charitable works you have done. In addition, you can include customer testimonials of how your products have helped them in some way.

Your content submissions should be engaging as well as fresh. This will ensure viewer returns. If your viewers are not entertained, chances are they won’t watch the entire video. Let your viewers wait a while so that they’re anxious to see the things you came up with. If your content is interesting and engaging, then you are much more likely to attract viewers and potential customers.

Start your video off with an intriguing question about a common topic that relates to your business or service. Make sure your video fills a need, answers a question or provides information that your customers will find useful. Encourage your viewers to share and like your video.

Shorter videos can be more effective than long ones. The optimal length for a video is around three minutes. If you go on longer than that, viewers are more likely to click away. Five minutes is pushing it, but it can work if you have very interesting content. Short and sweet videos are best.

Successful marketers know the importance of responding to comments. Sometimes, people have question regarding your products or business that they want answered quickly. Use your comment section to answer questions posed by your viewers.

It is important to optimize your videos. When you are making videos for several websites you should make titles and descriptions for every one. You should put keywords in there, as well. Finally, include contact information so that your viewers can easily contact you for further questions they may have.

There are plenty of people that use the Internet on a mobile device, so you must remember this when creating videos. These use much smaller screens, so don’t use tiny print. They’ll be appreciative of your consideration.

Make your video as positive as you can. Everyone wants to feel good. Regardless of what you are trying to sell, your video should remain positive. A good way to do this is to compliment your viewers.

Research your possibilities as you find out more about video marketing. Video marketing can help you do all kinds of things that will build your customer list. You can certainly reach a broader audience and boost profits.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Make Lots of Money without Spending one Cent!

You can earn up to $1,000 per hour, or even more, from each and every person you refer to Profit Clicking? And then you earn up to $500 per hour from 2nd-level referrals also. And many more income streams are on the way for promoters to earn from!

And you can make this kind of money (and more) without buying any ad packages or panels - spend nothing and make thousands if you simply follow the simple steps we teach in our marketing training. Just imagine all the people who have no money to spend, but they have the time to market their business - that is so exciting, don't you think?

If you keep on sponsoring people, you'll eventually have lots of people who buy substantial amounts of advertising and other services, earning you possibly more than you've ever earned before online.

Lifetime Opportunity

How do you make money from others?

Simply share your Profit Clicking IBO advertising pages with others - check out your "Build My Business" page and find out how.

 The Profit Clicking Test Drive will benefit all Members who create their Profit Clicking accounts, for the first time. By seeing that "$10 free money" in their Profit Clicking accounts, they can immediately buy a Profit Clicking Ad Package and Start Earning! Join this Free Opportunity Now