Saturday, February 23, 2013

MLM Tips and Tricks

MLM-Multilevel Marketing: Achieving MLM success is not a hidden world of guru's and everyone knows somebody who has failed with a network marketing opportunity. As a result, some people have become very sketchy. How can you expect to succeed if you focus on the fears and attitudes of those who have failed?

Have the Right Mindset: The first roadblock to remove from your mind is fear. Get back to your roots and find out who you are and what your purpose is. Find what motivates you to be successful. Your mind is your worst enemy. To compact this surround yourself with others who are doing the same thing and succeeding and mirror them.

Set Goals and Follow Through: MLM success will come more easily if you take a few minutes to set some real goals and write them down. Then develop a plan of action to work your way to achieving those goals. Now, it's easy to set goals, but it's difficult to follow through with them. And the truth is that the “Money is in the follow-up.” Sometimes life's events just get in the way and keep you from accomplishing your dreams. Or do they? Listen, there is no easy road to success and there will be many obstacles in the way. The MLM winners are those who overcome each one and continue to move forward.

Look for Successful People to Prospect: Most people who join a network marketing company are afraid to prospect to successful business people. However, successful business people know what it takes to succeed and they are the ones who are most likely to be successful with the opportunity your offer. While I agree wholeheartedly that you shouldn’t pre-judge people and exclude prospects just because they may not be employed at the time, why not maximize your success by going to people who already know how to be successful?

Use Your Sponsor: Many newcomers to network marketing start out working with their upline and then they drift away and start trying to go it alone. This will be detrimental to your marketing venture. Remember, your up-line’s success is tied directly to your success, so ask for his help, watch how he does things, and learn from him. If your up-line is only a few minutes more experienced than you, go to his up-line until you find a real expert who can guide you.

Take Advantage of Training Opportunities: MLM success is not a hidden secret. Good networks offer quality training. Take advantage of it. Keep taking advantage of it, even if you have already heard it before. There is always an area to improve on.

Win the Numbers Game: MLM is, at many levels, a numbers game. The more people who hear about your opportunity, the more likely it is that larger numbers will join. Once again this deals with building your network first and then your business partners.

Organize Your Time: Planning everything out is the most important part of everyday life. Those who are disorganized and always procrastinate having more issues, than those who are organized and keep to their schedule. Poor time management is one of the things that causes new network marketers to fail. Time is your most precious resource. MLM success depends on learning how to manage it. Get my Time Management Tips for Home Based Business Owners.

Educate, Don't Sell!: Time and time again, I see people trying to sell their MLM business as opposed to educating their contacts. Remember, these people you're speaking with day in and day out only know a small portion about your company. If you can teach them the path to success, it will build a good relationship and they will begin to trust you. They will also be able to see the whole story as opposed to short-term success. Remember, nobody likes a hard sell and nobody trusts someone who acts like the stereotype of a used car salesman (no offense to the several excellent and honest used car salesmen that I know).

Never Present to Your Own Close Friends and Family: If you've ever tried to be involved with an MLM company, everyone always talks about getting a hold of your "warm list." This is simply all the friends, relatives, and co-workers you know that you have a good relationship with for the most part. Unfortunately, these same people have become extremely skeptical and want to see you make money first (well most of them anyways). Your friends and families will see that you are excited to start this new business but, until they know that you know the whole company and how it works they will be hesitant to join you. So, invite your close friends and family to learn about the opportunity, and then put them in front of an expert (your up-line) to do the actual presenting. Three way calls are great for this. Make sure you establish that person as an expert before they start, and then sit back and let your up-line explain the business. Please make sure your up-line is willing to tackle this. If they are uncomfortable ask them who could be able to present the company. Eventually, you will be presenting to the friends and family of your down-line, so take advantage of this opportunity to listen closely to how it’s done.

Be the Team Member You Want Your Team Members to Be: Your team will follow you. If they see you staying active, they will stay active. If they see you setting goals, they will set goals. If they see you attending training, they will attend training. Get the picture? Take a moment and write down the characteristics that you would like to see in your down-line. Then be those things. Your team will thank you for it and you will become a leader!

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